Photo exhibition

Lithuania, Vilnius

On 4 October 2018 the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Environmental protection: yesterday, today and tomorrow" was organized by Knowledege Code (VšĮ Žinių kodas, Lithuanian partner) at VDU Educational Academy gallery "Verdenė" while implementing the Erasmus+ project "A Tale of Two Futures". During the event, unexpected debate about the importance of the environment for today's people and future generations was raised among participants. Also participants were invited to taste Lithuanian apple juice. The exhibition shows photographers - amateur works, where the beauty of Lithuanian landscapes are dominated. The exhibition was available to anyone from 2 till 22 October, Monday to Saturday from 8 to 21 hours. (Studentų St. 39, Vilnius). From 2nd October till 22nd October 2018 more than 109 people attended the exhibition.

Ziniu kodas - Knowledge Code

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